About Us

Jonathan-David Foundation is a non-profit organization. Our purpose is to support Christians with alcoholic family members. Although all are welcome, this support will be implemented through Bible based teachings and prayer.

Our Purpose

We strive to offer support to Christians dealing with alcoholic family members by teaching them to take their focus off of the individual as an alcoholic, and to learn to look at them as an individual who is under the control of a substance. This will be accomplished as we begin to deal with our own hearts, conform our thinking to God’s way of thinking, and gain a better understanding of what Christians are truly called to do.

We Need To See Differently

We will encourage and strengthen each student as we teach Biblical ways to cope with this crippling disease, showing them that we can not truly stand in the gap for those in need until we can see them in a different light, and in order to see them in a different light we need to see ourselves in the light of God’s word.

Our Brother’s Keeper

We believe that prayer is an essential and necessary part of making the difference in the lives of families dealing with alcoholism. As we pray corporately and consistently for this cause and for the individuals involved, we believe that God, through these prayers, can and will make a difference.

As We Reach Out

The dedicated team members of Jonathan-David Foundation give of their time to help change lives, but they cannot do it alone. This is where donations from generous people like you can help, as you reach out through monetary giving to help cover the costs of teaching materials and transportation. Donations can be through PayPal, or call us for other options. Jonathan-David Foundation Oxford Michigan 48371. Thank you in advance for your willingness to give. All donations are tax deductible.